
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Black Ice Ice Baby

This morning reminded me why I typically don't run in the winter... BLACK ICE.

We don't see it but we all know it's out there.  Some of us are more daring than others.  "I'm not going to fall."  "I won't get injured."  "It's not going to happen to me."  My blog post today isn't about slipping and falling, wearing the right shoes, avoiding icy roads, or staying indoors this winter.  My blog post is about paying attention. 

True story from today: Georgie and I were out for our morning walk.  The roads in my neighborhood were a thin sheet of ice.  The entire road.  I thought about turning around and heading back inside but Tuesdays are my longest day away from her and I had already bundled up so we were committed.

For the most part we were able to walk on grass in our neighbors yards with the occasional slippery driveway.  We watched a car slide all the way down the road, unable to make a left hand turn, ending up in the grass.  Georgie and I were about halfway home when she stopped to sniff.  I saw a car coming towards us and I started to worry that it too wouldn't be able to make the turn.  I tried to get Georgie to move along as I watched the car accelerate towards us.  I ran but Georgie wasn't budging so I pulled the leash and she went air born.  The car ended up right where we were standing and about 6 inches away from a telephone pole.  It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Often times when running or walking, athletes are not paying attention to what is actually going on around them.  Running.  Sight seeing.  Wait, how's my form?  What's my pace?  Is my heart rate in the target range?  Race goals.  Daydreaming.  Brainstorming.  Stressing.  Singing.  In the zone.

I'm only sharing this because it could happen to you.  Run "on defense."  So please, leave the headphones at home.  Focus on your surroundings.  Stay alert and be careful out there!

[Related Post: Running Safety]

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