
Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Roundup 12.7-12.13

Week 11 of 16

Well, I will start out by saying I fell short this week.  My goal was 38 miles and I only ran 36.  I go back and forth with feeling disappointed for not sticking with my plan and then feeling happy that I DID do everything in the first 10 weeks.  I started out marathon training listing all the challenges I will face along the way and so far I have been dominating. 

The week started with a quick 5 mile run which started about a minute after my final client of the day and ended about a minute before it was pitch black out.  I refused to run on the treadmill on such a beautiful Monday in December!  Because on Tuesday, I did just that—an easy 4 on the treadmill.
Night running w/ @GeorgieGSD

I randomly took Wednesday off from work which was PERFECT.  Not only did I get to catch up on sleep, I was able to take my time with my “Workout Wednesday” of 3x1 mile repeats.  I circled the block a bunch of times and was pretty happy with my effort.

I had a rest day scheduled for Thursday but was able to get the pup out the door in the morning for a short run.  I worked Friday and snuck in a short solo run and a short run with G at night to look at all the pretty neighborhood Christmas lights.

Then there was Saturday…

I have been thinking about this run a lot.  Long story short I only ran 17.91 miles on a day I had my first 20 planned.  I felt defeated and physically could not go any further.  And if you know me, I would never stop at 17.91—I would at least round it off to a solid 18!

I felt great for the first 12 miles.  My mom rode one of my favorite 6-mile courses to start before swinging back to my parent’s house to swap riders and pick up my dad.  It was perfect, I was able to drop some layers and take a quick bathroom break!  It was quite warm that day and I started out overdressed.  My dad and I headed towards West Falmouth but there was a road closure forcing us towards Falmouth Heights and my usual long run roads.

Mile 10.5 I started to feel a cramp in my stomach.  At mile 12, I fell apart.  I thought I was going to throw up.  With every sip of water and every GU Chew my stomach was rumbling more and more.  I did throw up in my mouth a few times—Sorry, TMI—and I ended up stopping around 14 and again at 16 to take a breather.  My 3rd stop was at 17.91 miles.  Every time I stopped, my glutes started cramping.  My dad asked me what I wanted to do and I honestly didn’t know what to do.  I went back and forth with him and decided that I needed to just stop.  I tried walking the final 2 miles home but I didn’t make it very far before I sat down on the curb and called my mom for a ride.

It was a good choice.  The last mile I ran I was experiencing clammy/feverish feelings in my head and my dad made a good point that maybe my body was actually fighting something.  It wasn’t worth it.  I have another 20 miles scheduled in 2 weeks so I will give it another try.  That my friends is why I always suggest a marathon training plan with two 20-milers.  It’s a mental, confidence thing really.

So what happened?  It could have been a number of things.  Like I said, maybe my body was actually fighting something.  I also ate a bigger breakfast then usual.  I was rushing around in the morning taking Georgie to doggy day care that I didn’t eat until the last minute and it was way too close to run time.  (Side note: it was wonderful coming home after my run and resting on the couch for a few hours while knowing G was in good hands!)  Doubtful, but it could have been the new flavor of GU Chews that I tried.  Who knows.  But I do know what I WON’T be eating before my next long run.  And back to Strawberry flavored GU products until Houston training is through!  :) 

Anyways, week 12 here I come!

Other highlights:

·      Corral assignments were emailed out for the Houston Marathon!  I'm an A while my dad and cousin Michele will be starting in Corral B.

Upcoming events:

·      5 weeks until the Houston Marathon!

Monday 12.7.15
5 miles (36:58)
20,474 steps

Tuesday 12.8.15
4 miles treadmill (31:30)
Taught spin class
10 push ups
17,178 steps

Wednesday 12.9.15
5 miles with 3x1 miles (36:29) <--6:54, 6:45, 6:32
Long walk with mama and G (~60 minutes)
22,499 steps

Thursday 12.10.15
1.25 miles with G (11:31)
Taught spin class
Power Water
10 push ups
20x lunges
30 squats
16,526 steps

Friday 12.11.15
2.25 miles (18:09)
0.5 miles with G (4:48)
14,502 steps

Saturday 12.12.15
17.91 miles (2:30:36)
40,173 steps

Sunday 12.13.15
Taught spin class
Burdenko H2O
11,385 steps

G mileage disclaimer: None of the mileage reported with Georgie is straight, consistent running. We may run 1 mile in 9 or 10 minutes but in reality we probably covered a 2-3 mile distance with a mix of walking and running.  I stop my watch every time we start walking.

Marathon training got me like...

This week’s mileage: 36 miles
This week’s G mileage: 1.75 miles
December Totals: 65 miles
2015 Totals: 740 miles

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