What is Delayed Onset
Muscle Soreness (DOMS)?
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, DOMS
is a dull, aching sensation over a trained muscle group that begins the day
following exercise. DOMS peaks about 48
hours after exercise and usually takes several days to resolve.
DOMS related pain is usually due to muscle fiber damage. The extent of inflammations and muscle damage
depends on the intensity, volume, and type of activity. One other major factor is the current
exercise level and training status of the individual.
Muscular stiffness
Limited range of motion (due to edema or pain)
Low grade ache to severe pain
DOMS vs. Injuries
Acute injuries will be felt during or just after an exercise
session. Pain is usually sudden and can
be easily localized. For acute injuries
try RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) and/or see your primary care
Treatment for DOMS is very limited but there are some things
you can do to help aid recovery after a hard workout or race:
Keep Moving – The longer you sit, the stiffer
you get! Go for a walk or just get up
and move to keep the blood flowing to those unhappy muscles.
Aquatic Exercise – Try Burdenko! The pool is an excellent way to
recover. Escape from gravity to increase
flexibility and eliminate soreness.
Stretch – Don’t forget to stretch! It’s easy to forget with all post-race
festivities but try to get in a cool down jog followed by static stretches of
all major muscle groups.
Foam Roll – It’s a love/hate relationship. If you can’t afford a post-race massage, foam
rolling is a great alternative. Foam
rolling is a self-myofascial release technique to help increase flexibility and
range of motion leading to faster recovery.
Ice Baths – Another love/hate relationship. A 10 minutes ice bath in 50-60 degree water
has been said to reduce inflammation and help flush the metabolic waste out of
your muscles.
Compression Socks – I am a huge believer in
compression socks. I wear them for all
my long runs and races but they also aid recovery post-race by increasing
blood flow to the muscles and reducing lactic acid buildup.
Hydrate – Just because the big race is over,
doesn’t mean you can stop drinking your water.
Keep those muscles happy by continuing to hydrate!
Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drug – I do not
like taking anything for pain but this is an option. Make sure to follow directions on the bottle
and never take with alcohol!
DOMS is very common after trying a new activity or pushing
your body to new limits. Recovery is
very important after a hard workout or race.
Also, warm up and cool down properly to avoid finding yourself in
physical therapy!
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