15 weeks down, 1 to go!
Race week is here! I can’t even believe it. I also hit by fundraising goal for the MEB Foundation with donations still coming in. So cool to have so many people support me and to know we are making an impact by helping youth in the areas of health, education and fitness.
As for last week…
Monday was a normal rest day. I didn’t have anyone for Foam Roll & Stretch class so I actually slept in a little. These next 2 weeks sleep is extra important so its nice to sneak in some extra hours where ever I can.
I didn’t run again on Tuesday because after work we had our Employee Appreciation Party. That made 3 non-running days in a row for me! Thank you taper time.
I ran an easy 3 miler on Wednesday. The weather was windy but beautiful. I opened at work on Thursday morning so I left work earlier than usual. I came home thinking I would catch Craig before he went into work but just missed him. Now I was at home staring at a crazy Reggie, eager to join me on my run. It was 71 degrees. We stayed close to home because I didn’t know how far she’d make it being this warm in late October. She lasted 2 miles before I dropped her off at home and continued on for another 2 on my own. Later I got to watch the Bills on Thursday Night Football. BIG DUBS.
Friday was another 3 miler. It was cloudy but a lot warmer than I thought. During my run I was thinking about how many times I would stop and walk on a 3 mile run early on in training. I’ve come a long way since starting the year off with 6 weeks on the couch! That night I re-watched Spirit of the Marathon for more motivation.
I worked Saturday afternoon and took a day off from running. Instead I set up a halloween photoshoot with the pups then took G by Naukabout in her pineapple costume. Tis the season.
Sunday morning was my final long run before 26.2. I had 10 on the schedule. They were predicting rain to start around 11am so I hoped to be out the door around 9am. My dad joined me on the bike. I forgot to use my inhaler and left my body glide at home. I didn’t take any pictures. We made 2 quick stops at the beach and only found one tiny piece of sea glass. I was in “just get it done” mode. It was ONLY 10 miles. I was ready to get it over with - before the rain - and move on to RACE WEEK! LET’S GOOOO!
Monday 10.23.23
Tuesday 10.24.23
Low Impact Aerobics
Wednesday 10.25.23
3 miles (23:19)
30 min Mat CORE
Thursday 10.26.23
4 miles (32:46)
Low Impact Aerobics
Friday 10.27.23
3 miles (23:35)
30 min Mat CORE
Saturday 10.28.23
Sunday 10.29.23
10 miles with Daddo on the bike (1:18:46)
This week’s mileage: 20 miles
This week’s Reggie mileage: 2 miles
Training totals: 395 miles
Week 1 of 16 Week 5 of 16 Week 9 of 16 Week 13 of 16
Week 2 of 16 Week 6 of 16 Week 10 of 16 Week 14 of 16
Week 3 of 16 Week 7 of 16 Week 11 of 16
Week 4 of 16 Week 8 of 16 Week 12 of 16
Why I’m running the 2023 NYC Marathon
If you would like to support me and donate to the MEB Foundation, visit my fundraising page: https://www.givengain.com/ap/jen-skiba-raising-funds-for-meb-foundation