Hills. Some runners love them,
some runners hate them. Short hills,
long hills, steep hills, and gradual hills—all types of hills can be tough and
challenging. Learn how to properly run uphill and downhill then hit the hills for increased strength, power and race day confidence!
Why should I incorporate hills into my training?
It’s pretty simple. Hills will make you stronger. Here are some of the benefits of hill training:
Improves muscle strength. Running uphill will strengthen your
hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, calves and Achilles. Your quads take over most of the workload on
the downhill. You also use a lot more
upper body muscles running hills than running on flat roads.
Improves endurance.
Improves power as your muscles need to work harder
to fight gravity.
Improves running form and promotes a more efficient
Hills can often break up your rhythm. Train on the hills to master a technique so
there are no surprises on race day. Most
new runners will try to surge up a hill and then feel totally beat at the
top. The best advice I can give you is
not to worry about your pace—focus on your effort. Maintain your effort level on the way up and
then change your gears to allow gravity to carry you downhill.
Running Uphill
When you approach a hill, think about changing gears. Your form will change and your pace will slow down but your effort levels
should remain the same.
First, lean into the hill. I’m
talking about a hip hinge, good posture and no slouching. With this you will be running more on your
toes—that’s ok, forefoot running on hills is what we want!
Next, think about your arms.
You want to aim for a shorter, faster arm swing. Faster arms = faster leg turnover. Some coaches will talk about using “higher
knees” but the RRCA taught us to focus on your arms and your legs will
naturally do their job.
If you are completely out of breath at the top of the hill, your
effort levels are too high. Try slowing
down and finding the right speed to tackle the hills with ease.
Running Downhill
Downhill running can actually be harder than uphill running. It puts a lot of strain on your quads (hello
eccentric loading!) and pressure on your hip and knee joints. My 30 year old body personally HATES running
One big thing is that you always want to be in control on a downhill
and accelerate gradually. Your natural
reaction will be to slow down and “put on the breaks” but that can put your knees
at an even greater injury risk. Instead,
lean forward and allow gravity to carry you downhill. Use short strides and keep your elbows tucked
in—no flailing arms!
Types of Hill Workouts
There are a number of variables you can use to create incorporate hills into your workout
including distance, grade, pace and recovery. Remember this is a workout so make sure to warm up properly and only perform 1-2x per week max.
Hilly Course
The easiest way to start training for hills is to run hilly routes. Play around with paces and effort
levels. Find out what works for
For a hill workout (not a race day strategy), try surging uphill at a
comfortably hard pace and running at a relaxed pace on the downhill and flat
Long Hill Repeats
600-1,000m hill at about a 7% grade.
The RRCA gives the example of 5-8 repetitions with
rest of jogging or walking in between.
This is good for early in base stage and good for marathon training.
Short Hill Repeats
100-600m hill at about a 10-17% grade.
The steeper the hill, the shorter the effort.
Again, the RRCA says 5-8 repetitions with rest of
jogging or walking in between. A good
workout for shorter race preparation.
Do you incorporate hills into your training?
I love this! I don't do hills as much as I should but then again, I'm in Chicago so the terrain doesn't help. I'm running the Golden Leaf Half Marathon in Colorado in September and it's supposed to be one of the toughest trail hill runs in the country. Uphills suck but the downhills worry me and my knees.