11 weeks down, 5 to go!
This week was a recovery week before the two biggest weeks of training. I enjoyed a rainy, rest day on Monday which included another Foam Roll & Stretch class. I couldn’t believe how sore I was from Sunday’s 18 miler but Craig reminded me how cool and damp it was and the fact that it was my longest long run in years.
The soreness was even worse on Tuesday - two days after my long run. I forgot to bring my running shoes to work so on my drive home I actually debated not running at all and taking another rest day until I got home and saw the look on Reggie’s face. I knew I needed to lace up and and take her. I only made it 2 miles but Reggie was one happy pup.
Wednesday was a much better and I was able to make it 4 miles after work around New Seabury. I taught a really fun low impact aerobics on Thursday morning which featured a new latin playlist. It turned out to be another beautiful day and I knew more rain was coming on Friday and Saturday so I took Reggie out in the afternoon for another 4 miles. That night I convinced Craig to go get my favorite empanadas at El Mariachi Loco on Main Street Hyannis. Happy Jen.
I took Friday and Saturday off from running. We took the dogs for a super short dog walk on Friday before the rain. It’s really sad to witness Georgie getting older as a half mile around the block is just too much for her poor hips these days.
Saturday was my last Saturday Strength class for awhile as I decided that I’m going to take Saturdays off from work the month of October. I’ve pretty much been working 6 days a week since I started at NS and that extra day off is going to be huge leading up to to race day.
Since it was a recovery week, I only had 14 miles on the schedule. ONLY. When did 14 miles become ONLY 14 miles?!
My dad surprised me and said he wanted to ride along with me for the whole ride. My mom told him it was a shorter run week for me but what she didn’t tell him that I would still be running for almost 2 hours! Back when I was training for all my other marathons - Chicago, Houston, Miami, Boston 2018 & Boston 2019 - he biked with me for almost all of my long runs so it was such a treat to have him back. He only almost fell off his bike twice in the first 2 miles. LOL.
The weather was a little cooler at the start. It was also very windy. The sun was just starting to come out and it was pretty humid. The run itself wasn’t too eventful. I felt really good and relaxed. I am finally feeling like my fitness levels are where they should be and that allowed me to talk to my dad the whole time. I did start to get tired with about 5 miles to go but I blamed that on the fact that I had a hard time falling asleep the night before. I took a lot less breaks in the last couple of miles with my dad along side me as the conversations were a good distraction.
After the run, I headed home to a sick Craig on the couch. We were both bumming because we had to cancel our afternoon lunch date with his uncles in Provincetown. Instead we watched about 8 hours of football including a huge win for Buffalo over the dolphins. Go Bills!
Next 2 weeks are going to be tough. I have my 18 and 20 coming up… let’s go!
On another note, I’m at 48% of my fundraising goal for the MEB Foundation. The foundation does great things to help support youth health, education and fitness.
Since 2010, the MEB Foundation has been a leader in providing impactful support to those in need. Annual and one-time grants have been given to the following causes:
- The 26.2 Foundation
- Martin Richard Foundation (MR8)
- Armory College Prep Program
- Atlanta Track Club Kilometer Kids program
- Philadelphia School District Youth Running Program
- Girls on the Run, Tampa Bay
- Transcend Academy, Kenya
- Eritrean American Diaspora Network College Scholarship Fund
- San Diego High School (Meb Keflezighi Scholarship)
Together with MEB Foundation volunteer Vanessa Baumann, over 70,000 pairs of shoes have been provided to children and communities across the globe. Recipients of shoe donations include:
- Fire Victims of Napa and Lake County
- Teens Run Modesto
- Shepard's Gate Women and Children Shelter
- Nepal Earthquake Victims
- Running for a Better Oakland
- Villages in Eritrea and Mozambique
Who’s going to help me get to 50%?!
Link to donate: https://www.givengain.com/ap/jen-skiba-raising-funds-for-meb-foundation
Monday 9.25.23
Foam Roll & Stretch
Tuesday 9.26.23
2.04 miles with Reggie (18:15)
Low Impact Aerobics
Wednesday 9.27.23
4 miles (30:40)
30 min Mat CORE
Thursday 9.28.23
Low Impact Aerobics
4 miles with Reggie (30:49)
Friday 9.29.23
30 min Mat CORE
Saturday 9.30.23
Saturday Strength
Sunday 10.1.23
14 miles with Daddo on the bike (1:53:57)
This week’s mileage: 24 miles
This week’s Reggie mileage: 6 miles
Training totals: 281 miles
Week 1 of 16 Week 5 of 16 Week 9 of 16
Week 2 of 16 Week 6 of 16 Week 10 of 16
Why I’m running the 2023 NYC Marathon
If you would like to support me and donate to the MEB Foundation, visit my fundraising page: https://www.givengain.com/ap/jen-skiba-raising-funds-for-meb-foundation
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