Thursday, February 21, 2019

Weekly Roundup 2.11-2.17

Week 8 of 16

So Week 8 did not go as planned.  I have been putting off writing this week’s post out of frustration and embarrassment.  After 7 solid weeks of training, I got injured.  And honestly, all my injuries are the same.  I spend the first week doing absolutely nothing except sit around feeling sorry for myself.  That was Week 8.

I’ll backtrack a bit.  The week before I ran long on Saturday.  I taught spin class Sunday morning then about half way through pool class, I bent down to hand out equipment and I felt a sharp pain in my left hip/glute area.  I was able to shake it off, finish class, shower then hop into the NormaTec boots which is part of my normal Sunday routine.  I felt fine.

Now this week.  Monday started out good.  I stayed after to lift.  I could feel a very mild, dull pain in the hip/glute but it wasn’t enough to stop what I was doing or modify any of my exercises.  I got home and took Georgie out for an easy 3 miles in the dark.  We had a great run but as soon as we stopped I knew something wasn’t right.

Tuesday morning I taught spin—it was our Valentine’s Day class!  By the end of class I was in a lot of pain.  I sat on an ice pack for a while hoping the pain would go away.  Sitting hurt.  Driving… the worst.  I was feeling numbness and tingling in my left foot.  That night I had Jodi B took a look.  I was afraid to tell my PT Kathy.  She worked on me a lot about a year and a half ago when I was dealing with hip issues.  This was the same area, different injury.

Craig helped me a ton on Thursday then Friday morning I got a text from Kathy—someone told her!  She had me come in to see her Friday morning for a brief evaluation, ultrasound, e-stim and she taped me.  She gave me some exercises to work on and told me I could try water running in the pool on Saturday.

I did just that.  40 minutes.  So boring!  But I got my heart rate up and was even sweating a little bit.  Kathy met me at the clinic after my pool session and did more of an evaluation.  She called me out for not doing any upper body or core work all week.  She even used the term “lump” to describe me.  That was the kick in the butt I needed.  Enough feeling sorry for myself.  It was time to get to work!

Upcoming events:

·      8 weeks until the Boston Marathon!

Monday 2.11.19
2.90 miles with G (27:38)
Burdenko H2O

Tuesday 2.12.19
Taught spin class

Wednesday 2.13.19

Thursday 2.14.19
Power Water

Friday 2.15.19

Saturday 2.16.19
40’ deep water running

Sunday 2.17.19
Burdenko H2O

Week 1 of 16             Week 5 of 16
Week 2 of 16             Week 6 of 16
Week 3 of 16             Week 7 of 16

This week’s mileage: 3 miles
This week’s G mileage: 3 miles
February Totals: 49 miles
2019 Totals: 159 miles

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